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Comprehensive Digital Marketing Solutions for Local Businesses from a Single Local Agency!

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Services

for Local Companies by Local Experts!

We provide all the services your business needs to be successful online!

Good digital marketing has become extremely important, complicated, and time-consuming.

Sure, just a few years ago many businesses were able to do DIY online marketing because there were only a few critical elements that were needed; a website, a few directory listing and social media sites, and maybe some basic tools to analyze website performance.


So many improvements and innovations have been added it takes a professional just to keep up with them all. You're in business because you have a passion for what you do and need to be focused on that core business to be profitable. 





Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

Let 1 Click Solutions become your 

Remote Digital Marketing Department!


Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)


Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the contracting of specific business functions, such as accounting, digital marketing, or HR. 

It should not be confused with the concept of outsourcing as a whole. The difference is that with BPO, you outsource an entire business function (all of the digital marketing, for example), and avoid fragmentation and project management.

The processes outsourced should never be at the core of your business functions. You will benefit from outsourcing the most when your team can focus more on those core functions, rather than trying to learn new skills or by adding more overhead than you need to. Create a win-win for both businesses that enter into a BPO relationship. Instead of having to add a digital marketing team from scratch, give the job to a company that specializes in it – and you will end up spending far less.


Business Process Outsourcing Benefits


There are many benefits to business process outsourcing, given that you manage to find the right partner company. Some of the benefits include;


Cost Reduction


The most popular and talked-about benefit for outsourcing is significantly lower expenses. Full-time employees require space to work in, FICA participation, health benefits, workman's comp coverage, retirement benefits, PTO... and a lot more things with hard costs that add up. 


Availability of Experienced Professionals


With no learning curve, no mistakes, and no wasted time to implement the best custom digital marketing plans, you can have a fantastic team working for you in a matter of days.


Focus on Core Business 


Startup businesses or established businesses that discover they are getting clobbered by new competition don't have the time or budgets to incur the expense of creating a professional digital marketing department from scratch. While doing it right is essential; chances are, in-house isn't the best place for that. So, by outsourcing to a company that specializes in online advertising and all the other critical elements that are all connected (lots of moving parts) you end up with better processes, better results, and high return on your investment at a much lower price. Allowing your team to focus on what's Byimportant for the company – the core processes that make the company stand out and the ability to make more money for themselves and the company!


More Personal Time


What's your time worth? When you spread yourself too thin not only does your quality of work go down, that balance between work and life does the same thing. Do you love your partner, have kids that are growing up too fast, or maybe have elders that need help? BPO should be the next significant change you make. You deserve to take back those evenings and weekends.


Access to the Latest Updated Technologies


The right tools always make the job easier. You can only be good at that one thing you went into business to do. It's okay to have a specific passion. Many of the cool tools we use for digital marketing are only cost-effective for use with multiple clients. It would be foolish to go out and pay for the upgraded features offered at the Pro or Enterprise level if you've ever shopped for the things that work best. 


Rapid Growth & Scalability


If you decide you want to grow your business, it's easy to find a local partner company with the know-how and experience you'll need, 1 Click Solutions, LLC is here to help take your company to that next level. We're already aware of industry best practices, as well as having the knowledge and experience to implement campaigns that are best suited for your business to get great results fast. Moreover, of course, you are still the boss, we'll work closely with you as a partner.

There are many moving parts to good digital marketing that require professional development, deployment, and management.

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